Magics 3D Print Suite
Your production receives a vast range of requests on a daily basis — you need a software platform to manage orders, automate laborious tasks, and scale your operations. Materialise Magics 3D Print Suite can handle all of your needs, no matter the 3D printing technologies or machines you use.

Advanced productivity
Automated tools cut out excessive manual efforts. Accelerate your processes with a fully optimized production.
Complete connectivity
From ordering to shipping and everything in between, your software is fully connected. Say goodbye to working in silos.
Reduced costs
Many production facilities waste time and money on time-consuming processes. Simplified workflows equal cost savings.
Instant ordering and quoting
Manage 3D printing requests during the entire production process
Data and build preparation
Make parts printable with industry-leading tools
Machine communication
Seamlessly link software to your 3D printers
Production planning
Control your entire production floor with one solution